Form Submissions


I’d love to see Riverside Park as a place people flock to, bringing life to the whole city. I see a splash park, with a cafe and toilets! I see the community as a resource to the city, the triangle full of niche shops that are needed and thriving. I see us helping those in need, through Basics Bank, debt advice and coffee mornings. I see Bitterne Park as a great place to grow up and grow old in. From a life long Bitterne Parker! ?


The historic plaques on Cobden Bridge renovated and the railings painted to bring back some history and brighten up a main entrance to Bitterne Park. Public toilets restored to Bitterne Park Triangle. Remove the parking spaces outside the Indian restaurant and the Butcher’s Hook pub and replace with tables and chairs rather than cars. A new Butchers at the Triangle. A real one not a rival to the Butchers hook.

Stop the Council and the bus company referring to “Bitterne Triangle”. The only correct term being Bitterne Park Triangle or “the Triangle”. 1. It seems a small thing but People have been know to travel to Bitterne (some 2k away) looking for shops that are at Bitterne Park Triangle. 2. Bitterne actually has it’s own Triangle, although less commonly refereed to these days. It is to the east of the Red Lion Pub. 3. If we start to lose the correct geographic names for areas of the city we start to lose community identity and history.


Having run my small Bakery in Bitterne Park from 1974 to date. From the word go I realised that Bitterne Park was a very special community, during the seventies Bitterne Park Triangle Shopping area was often referred to as the Village by local residents. So many, what often seemed insignificant changes have taken place, resulting in a slow decay in the unique value Bittern Park once enjoyed. I believe with a little effort and consideration from the traders and residents of Bittern Park we can easily reverse this problem. (Imagine Bitterne Park) can be just the vehicle we need to galvanise us all into action. Is it worth the effort you might ask , well yes in every way, pulling in one direction fighting one cause, will help build a closer community, safer more friendly environment and by regaining the value of becoming a true Bitterne Parker, will enhance the quality of life in Bitterne Park as well as the value of every property.


ParkRead-a story telling and campfire open air event in the summer where families can take hot chocolate and a blanket and listen to bedtime stories in the summer evenings.
Food festival?
More gorilla knitting,more gorilla gardening.
Free family yoga in the park on Sunday mornings.
Mud larking groups for all ages on the river.
Interesting, licensed buskers.
More inter generational events e.g my daughter wants to learn to knit and we don’t know how-could an older person teach her?
Better use of the public notice boards e.g what about a skills exchange type thing?
Welly boot exchange somewhere.Kids grow out of welly boots so fast,is there somewhere we could take the old pair and pick up a new pair that someone has left?
A better bitterne park would definitely have a functioning library.A place where new mums could meet and go to rhyme time, a place for inter generational arts and crafts,genealogy,book clubs,after school clubs such as Lego clubs.
Walking groups in the community.
A sign up timetable for family outdoor rounders.
‘My mum walks’ this is my husband’s initiative to ask older relatives out on walks to chat and support well-being whilst being out in the fresh air.

OB from Bond Road

A colourful welcoming tropical paradise of palm trees, cordyline trees, acanthus and passion flowers.
Shops and houses painted in jolly colours like Albert Rd Southsea (or even just Netley), huge murals painted on sides of buildings on corner plots.
Colourful planters and pots in front gardens.
Colourful outdoor lights in the park – the more people using the park at night the safer it will be.
A water bus that travels from the duck feeding jetty to Kemps Quay, St Mary’s, Woolston, Ocean Village, Town Quay maybe. Ideally one with colourful lights and a waterproof canopy. Friday evening to Sunday afternoon and bank holidays.
Kayak/SUP/rowing lessons as part of PE curriculum at Bitterne Park School (and why doesn’t first aid and CPR come under physical education too?).


What if there were beautiful coloured lights in the arches of Cobden Bridge?


What if we planted native trees/plants that are there so the neighbourhood can take cuttings and grow their own