Is this an environmental/green project?
No! It’s a community project that aims to facilitate conversations and needs participants from all parts of the community with different beliefs and interests. The community will decide the direction the project takes and the themes that emerge.

Why Bitterne Park?
Simply because there were a couple of Bitterne Park residents who took part in the Transition Bounce Forward series and applied for the funding and decided to start local in Bitterne Park. Transition Southampton’s wider Growing Places project is engaging with other communities and neighbourhoods and we would love to explore using the approach in other parts of Southampton

Who is behind this project?
Members of Transition Southampton, a group founded in 2008. 

Who is paying for this project?
We received a small amount of seed funding from The National Lottery Community Fund (distributed by the Transition Network via their Transition: Bounce Forward initiative). Following its launch the project has been supported by volunteer contributions and Transition Southampton.